l(f)rg:2020-10-22 Դ: Y c
hZ ݔѪt(y)WgZձ
ꑣ ȵأ
_ T A
ABO blood group determination ABO ѪͶ ABO Ѫͷ ABO ѪͶ ABOѪʹ_ absorption and elution test շɢԇ _ԇ շɢԇ ጳyԇ acute hypervolemic hemodilution; AHH ԸѪҺϡ ԸѪѪҺϡ ԸѪҺϡ ԸѪѪҺϡ acute normovolemic hemodilution; ANH ԵѪҺϡ ԵѪѪҺϡ ԵѪҺϡ ԵѪҺϡ adverse event ¼ ¼ ¼ ¹ allelic resolution typing λˮƽ o λˮƽ ˮƽ alloimmunization ͬNw w w w altruistic blood donation ԫIѪ ԾѪ ԾѪ ԾѪ antibody screening wY wYz wYz wYz apheresis blood component βѪҺɷ xgѪҺɷ ΒѪҺɷ ɷѪѪҺɷ Apheresis β xg Β ɷݾѪ audit criteria ˜ʄt ˘˜ ˜ʄt ˜ʄt autologous transfusion wݔѪ wѪ wݔѪ Ѫ B
blood cold chain ѪҺ ѪҺ ѪҺ ѪҺ blood donation adverse reaction IѪ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ blood donation times per thousand population ǧ˿ګIѪ˴ ÿǧ˿ھѪ˴ ǧ˿ھѪ˴ ǧ˿ھѪ˴ blood donation IѪ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ blood donor IѪ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫʿ blood establishment computer system ѪվϢϵy(tng) ѪCYӍϵy(tng) ѪҺYӍϵy(tng) ѪXϵy(tng) blood group typing Ѫb Ѫͷ Ѫb Ѫͷ blood quality ѪҺ| ѪҺƷ| ѪҺ| ѪҺ| blood screening test ѪҺYԇ ѪҺYzԇ ѪҺYz ѪҺYzyԇ blood-borne occupational exposure ѪԴI(y)¶ ѪҺȾԼI(y)¶ ѪԴI(y)¶ ѪԴI(y)| blood-donor care IѪo Ѫo ѪPo Ѫʿo C
cell grouping cell salvage Ѫ ѪҺ Ѫ clinical transfusion medicine RݔѪW RݔѪt(y)W RݔѪt(y)W RݔѪt(y)W closed system ]ϵy(tng) ]ϵy(tng) ]ϵy(tng) ܷϵy(tng) compatibility test ԇ ԇ ԙz Ԝyԇ complement-dependent lymphocytotoxicity test; CDC awهԼԇ awهܰԇ awهԼԇ awهܰͼyԇ complication related to blood donation IѪPl(f)Y ѪPl(f)Y ѪPl(f)Y ѪPl(f)Y confirmatory test _Cԇ _Jԇ _Cz _Jyԇ copper sulfate method ~ ~ ~ ~yԇ corrected count increment; CCI ѪСӋУֵ ѪСӋУӔ ݔעѪСָ Уָ crossmatch Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ D
department of transfusion medicine t(y)ԺݔѪ ݔѪt(y)W t(y)ԺݔѪ o diversion pouch ·Dƴ ӱռ ӱռ donor (informed) consent IѪ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫʿ@֪ͬ donor deferral IѪ ѪѪ Ѫ Ѫ donor identification IѪߴ_J Ѫ˴_J Ѫݴ_J Ѫʿݴ_J donor quarantine IѪ Ѫ˸x o Ѫʿx donor reentry IѪߚw Ѫپ ѪپѪ ѪʿپѪ donor IѪ Ѫ Ѫ Ѫ E
electronic crossmatch ӽѪ ӽѪ ӽѪ XѪ elite controller Ӣ Ӣ o o emerging infection °l(f)Ⱦ °l(f)Ⱦ °l(f)Ⱦ °l(f)Ⱦ event ¼ ¼ ¼ ¼¹ external quality assessment; EQA g|ur ⲿƷ|u ⲿ|ur |u F
febrile non-hemolytic transfusion reaction; FNHTR Ѫl(f)ᷴ Ѫl(f) Ѫl(f)ᷴ Ѫl(f) first-time donor ΫIѪ ξѪ ״ξѪ ξѪ״ξѪ
forward type o freezing ك ٱ fundamental
medicine AݔѪW AݔѪt(y)W AݔѪt(y)W AݔѪt(y)W G
grey zone ҅^(q) o ҅^(q) ɫ؎ H
haemovigilance; HV ѪҺȫO(jin)y ѪҺȫO(jin)y ѪҺAϵy(tng) ѪҺȫAϵy(tng) hematocrit; Hct t Ѫ t o hematology analyzer method ѪҺxzy ѪҺxzy ѪҺxzy ѪҺx Hemoglobin; Hb Ѫt Ѫt Ѫt ѪtػѪt hemoglobin test strip colorimetric assay Ѫtԇlɫ Ѫtԇlɫ Ѫtԇlɫ o high resolution typing ߷ֱʷ ߽ȷ ߷ֱʷ ߽ histocompatibility matching M M䌦 M M human leucocyte antigen; HLA ԭ Ѫԭ ԭ Ѫԭ I
immediate hemolytic transfusion reaction; IHTR ٰl(f)ѪݔѪ l(f)ѪݔѪ ѪݔѪ ѪݔѪ incidence rate ¸Ⱦ l(f) ¸Ⱦ l(f) initial test ԇ ԇ Ιz yԇ inter-instrument comparison xgȌ xgȌ xgȌ x֮g^ inter-laboratory comparison gȌ gȌ gȌ ֮g^ internal audit Ȳ| Ȳ Ȳ| Ȳ internal quality control; IQC ҃| ҃Ʒ Ȳ| ȲƷ| inter-reagent comparison ԇȌ ԇȌ ԇȌ ԇ֮g^ inter-regional donor quarantine ^(q) o o o inventory management ѪҺ ѪҺ irradiation ݗ
ݗ ݗ L
laboratory information management system Ϣϵy(tng) YӍϵy(tng) YӍϵy(tng) YӍϵy(tng)
leukocyte reduction ȥ p ȥ ȥѪѪ Look back low resolution typing ͷֱʷ ͽȶ ͷֱʷ o lymphocyte microcytotoxicity test; LCT ܰͼԇ ܰԇ ܰͼԇ o M
major crossmatch ȽѪ ȽѪ ҪѪ management review u 팏 u u minor crossmatch ȽѪ С ȽѪ ҪѪ mixed lymphocyte culture; MLC ܰͼB(yng) ܰB(yng) ܰͼB(yng) o mixed lymphocyte reaction; MLR ܰͼ ܰϷ ܰͼ o N
natural antibody Ȼw Ȼw Ȼw Ȼw naturally occurring antibody Ȼw Ȼaw ȻaĿw Ȼaw near miss ¼ Eeʧ Uʧ¼ o non-reactive o o o o non-remunerated voluntary blood donor ԸoIѪ oѪ oѪ oѪ nucleic acid testing yield; NAT yield zy z o yԇ O
occult HBV infection; OBI [ײȾ [ B ײȾ [ײȾ [ one-way mixed lymphocyte culture ܰͼB(yng) ܰB(yng) ܰͼB(yng) o P
panel cells V M V o panel reactive antibody; PRA wV Mw wV o para-Bombay phenotype I IѪ I o pathogen inactivation; PI ԭw ԭ ԭw ԭ pathogen reduction; PR ԭwȥ ԭp ԭwȥ ԭ patient blood management; PBM ѪҺ ѪҺ ѪҺ Ѫ plasma exchange Ѫ{ÓQ Ѫ{ÓQ Ѫ{ÓQ QѪ{ platelet count; PLT ѪСӋ ѪСӋ ѪСӋ ѪС唵
platelet-rich plasma method ѪСѪ{ ѪСѪ{ ѪСѪ{ preoperative autologous blood donation; PAD gǰwѪ gǰwѪ gǰwѪ gǰѪ pretransfusion testing ݔѪǰzy ݔѪǰz ݔѪǰz ݔѪǰz prevalence rate ʢ proficiency testing; PT C ԇ C yԇ Q
quality objective |Ŀ Ʒ|Ŀ |Ŀ |Ŀ quality assurance |C Ʒ|C |C |^ quality control | Ʒ| | | R
reactive recalcification of plasma Ѫ{} Ѫ{} Ѫ{} Ѫ{} recipient (informed) consent Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ֪ͬ Ѫ߫@֪ͬ recipient identification Ѫߴ_J Ѫߴ_J Ѫݴ_J Ѫݴ_J red cell group system tѪϵy(tng) tѪѪϵy(tng) tѪϵy(tng) tѪϵy(tng) red cell reagent panel ԇtM tѪԇM ԇtM o regular donor ګIѪ ھѪ Ҏ(gu)Ѫ aѪھѪ repeat donor ؏ͫIѪ }Ѫ }Ѫ }Ѫ residual risk LU NLU NLU NLU reverse type o RhD initial typing RhD Ѫͳz RhD z RhD Ѫͳz RhD z RhD typing RhD Ѫb RhD RhD Ѫb RhD Ѫ͙z confirmatory test
negative Rh Դ_J
Rh Դ_J
Rh Դ_J Rh Դ_Jyԇ risk behavior LUО LUО ΣО LUΣО S
science of blood donation service IѪՌW ѪՌW ѪՌW ѪտƌW seroconversion ѪDQ ѪD ѪD ѪDQ serum grouping Ѫ嶨 Ѫ Ѫ嶨 o shelf life ڻЧ solid phase HLA antibody detection HLA wYxg HLA wzyg HLA wYxo
technology g standard operation procedure; SOP ˜ʲҎ(gu) ˜ʲ ˜ʲ ˜ʲ sterile welding o۽ o۽ o۽ o T
therapeutic apheresis ίԆβ ίԷxg ίԆΒ o therapeutic dose ί ί ί o traceability of blood component ѪҺɷֿۙ ѪҺɷ֮ ѪҺɷֿ ۙѪҺɷ transfusion complications ݔѪl(f)Y ݔѪl(f)Y ݔѪl(f)Y ݔѪaFāl(f)Y transfusion management ݔѪW ݔѪ ݔѪ ݔѪ transfusion reactions ݔѪ ݔѪ ݔѪ ݔѪaFķ transfusion technology ݔѪgW ݔѪg ݔѪgW ݔѪg transfusion-associated circulation overload; TACO ݔѪPѭh(hun)ؓ ݔѪPѭh(hun)d ݔѪPѭh(hun)ؓ o transfusion-free medicine oݔѪt(y)W ݔѪt(y) ݔѪt(y)W ݔѪt(y)W transfusion-transmissible infection ɽݔѪĸȾ ɽݔѪĸȾ ɽݔѪĸȾ ^ݔѪȾĂȾ transfusion-transmitted bacterial infection; TTBI ݔѪļȾ ݔѪļȾ ݔѪļȾ ^ݔѪȾļȾ transfusion-transmitted infection; TTI ݔѪȾ ݔѪĸȾ ݔѪȾ ^ݔѪȾĂȾ U
unexpected antibody identification ⿹wb Ҏ(gu)t(A)wYz twwa o unexpected antibody screening ⿹wY Ҏ(gu)t(A)wYz twwYz o V
validation of blood establishment computer system ѪվϢϵy(tng)_J ѪCYӍϵy(tng)C ѪҺYӍϵy(tng)_J ѪҺXϵy(tng)Ч_J validation _J C _J Ч_J W
window period մ մ մ